Finest Flies of ’14

Throughout these frigid winter days I’ve spent much more time sitting at home tying flies next to our new puppy than I have out on the water. Of course I sometimes wish that every day of the year was 60 degrees and mostly cloudy, but I know that it’s not possible. “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens (Ecclesiastes 3:1).” I’ll fish some limestone streams and tailwaters throughout the winter, but these short days give me more time to reflect on the year, and to look forward to the hatches and trout that the new year will bring. My previous post, “Farewell Virginia,” encompassed the best streams I’ve fished throughout the year, so I decided to now write an article covering the flies that I had the most success with this year. 2014 was my first year of fly fishing, and I totaled 642 trout brought to hand using 30 different flies, all of which I tied myself. Here are some of my favorites:

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